joi, 13 iunie 2013

I will always wear my smile

I start this post with a motto: "Always be Happy, always wear a smile, not because life is full of reasons to smile but because your smile itself is a reason for many others to smile". 
I DO...I try to smile more, I try to be better and I do my best to make my life beautiful :) Just because I always wear a smile doesn't mean my life's perfect It means I appreciate all I have & what God has blessed me with.
I choose to wear: Stradivarius jacket,  Zara shirt, tights lines, Zara Boots...and my SMILE. Kiss u all
xoxo MissMisha

2 comentarii:

  1. Îmi place combinația. Îmi place negrul, îmi place pielea, îmi plac dungile, îmi plac ochelarii... Nota 10.

    1. Zadin ma bucur ca esti alaturi de mine la fiecare postare...initial nu am avut comentarii dar am continuat sa scriu, sa postez penteu ca-mi place...traiesc cu moda in sange :*
